Saturday, May 5, 2012
Mandarin test??????
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Ayamas Viral
Friday, January 13, 2012
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Tuba...kebodohan manusia....
Sungai adalah sumber kehidupan yang menjadi keutamaan bagi semua makhluk, termasuk kita, manusia. Baru-baru ini, Kanza meninjau keadaan sungai di kampung Kanza, perasaan geram dan marah muncul bila Kanza melihat apa yang terjadi di sungai. Banyak ikan-ikan yang mati akibat perbuatan bodoh manusia itu sendiri.
Ada segelintir manusia yang bodoh menuba kawasan sungai yang hampir 5km itu. Bukan sekali, tapi banyak kali perkara ni berlaku, Kanza sendiri tak tahu kenapa JKK kampung ni berdiam diri je...Kanza pun tak tahu nak buat macam mana...hmm....
Tengoklah apa yang terjadi pada ikan-ikan ni...banyak yang mati....
Sunday, June 26, 2011 my observation.....
Human behavior sometimes can be a pain in the ass. We know that there’s reason why things happens, various things actually. But none of it can be measured by ourselves whether it will happen again or not, or maybe it happen accidently without we know.
As far as I can see, people do change when something happens, in him/herself, problems, weather or maybe his chemical reaction that drives his/her brain to react simultaneously in order to mix with surroundings. That’s the mysterious things about human; sometimes we can’t predict what they will do to escape their self, to manipulating people or to make them feel comfortable.
People can do something that beyond their imagination and strength under certain circumstances. Who knows that you can lift a hundred kilos of steel to save your family even you’re just a grandma?? We do smile when something make us happy without we noticed. And we do angry when something makes us mad. Believe it or not, we will cry or sad if something bad happen to our relatives, friends or someone dear to us even we try to hold it.
That’s why I said that human are complicated. We can say we love someone, and after a few minutes we say we don’t. We can’t blame the person itself; we don’t know what happen to them when they said like that. We need to understand the situation before we make the next step, or we will react beyond our normal behavior.
So, in order to stay put on this….we should understand our surroundings and try not to act too far away…