Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Manusia yg.......(pandai2 la tmbah ayt sndiri)

Ni adalah contoh manusia2 yg paling 'baik' kt dunia ni....n Kanza jmpa info n gmbr2 ni mse Kanza jln2 dlm dunia maya yg x karin ni, hahaha.....so, ni adalah pe yg org tu ckp....

" Dolphin is my favorite animal. Free, sociable and incredibly intelligent. However, there are civilizations that appear to think that dolphins are too much, and use them in their ritual purposes. Is the red sea of dolphins blood reality or a dream? Real photo or photo-montage? It would be good if only this could photo-montage…

Each year the sea around Faroe Islands (constituent country of the Kingdom of Denmark, along with Denmark proper and Greenland), is stained red, not because of the effects of the climate or through a Biblical plague but because of the cruelty of supposedly human beings. Hundreds of the famous Calderon dolphins are slaughtered by young teens in a celebration to demonstrate their maturity and passage into adulthood. In this celebration those who not actively participating in the slaughter are watching. They don’t die instantly; they are cut 1, 2 or 3 times with thick hooks. With each cut the dolphins produce a grim cry like that of a new born child.

I can not stand and not to ask a question, is it possible that in this way someone shows the maturity? Does the brutal and unnecessary killing hundreds of dolphins shows wisdom? For me this is just confirmation of facts that comparison people with animals is insulting – for animals, of course!"

Dan kt bwh ni adalah gmbr2nye...

Pe yg akn jadi kpd nasib2 di0rg yg x brsalah tu kn? Kla kt negara kte, telur penyu plak yg dijual, dibangga2kn smpai x fikir psl kepupusan, truk btul la manusia camni.....

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